
yummy sandwich

So today, the chitlin asked for one of his favorite sandwiches.  I didn't have everything we needed, so I improvised.  It wasn't so good.  He ate it happily, but I won't be making that sub again, I tell you.  To salve my conscience, y'all can have the recipe for the correct sandwich.  It's not like it's hard to make or anything, but it is yummy, so you should have one.  Go on.  I'll wait.
Oh, I guess I should give you the recipe.  Fine.

2 slices bread
@ 1/4 a regular sized avocado (we had a monster one today--and have a ton of it left over!)
1-2 T hummus, any flavor (we like the roasted garlic)
1-2 slices fresh, ripe tomato
seasoned salt, mrs. dash...something like this.  mrs. dash is an excellent choice, unless you have an orange allergy.  anyway, use this to taste.

Smoosh the avocado and spread it on one slice of bread.  Spread the hummus on the other slice.  Sprinkle your seasoning of choice over one of your spreads.  Lay some tomato on and close the sandwich.  That's it!
It's so easy, but so yummy! 

The chitlin loves them so much--if it was up to him, it would just be avocado and tomato sandwiches, though.  I just feel the need to put a little protein in there.  Which led to my mistake today.  We were out of hummus, so I mashed up some red beans and used them.  Don't do that.  Really.  As I said, he didn't seem to mind, and scarfed his right down.  Which he also does with the hummus ones, even after he's actually asked for an avocado and tomato sandwich.  Which suggests his taste buds are...undiscriminating.  But we know that isn't true, or he'd like fruit better.  =P

1 comment:

  1. I made yet another sub recently--I used navy beans, this time. I mashed them, and added a smidge of veggie bouillon powder and some seasoned salt and warmed them up a bit. This was actually quite tasty! I recommend it!


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