
Breakfast delight

This is not my recipe, but I don't remember whose it is! I've had it kicking around my recipe file for ages, and finally got around to making it. I liked it fine--it didn't upset my stomach, and it was satisfying. I think I'm not a big fruit in my cereal person, so the flavor wasn't quite what I would have chosen. I might have to tinker. The boy didn't care for it at all. I had to coerce him to eat two bites, and then I let him make himself a bowl of instant grits (with supervision). Anyway, in case anyone is reading the blog, and might find it up their alley, here 'tis.

Crock Pot Breakfast Delight

1 cup grain (brown rice -OR- millet -OR- quinoa.)
3 cups water
1/2 cup dried fruit, diced (apricots, apples, raisins, or dates.)
1/8 cup unsweetened coconut
dash of cinnamon

Place all ingredients in the crockpot the night before. Set on "low". Cereal
will be delightfully ready in the morning!

GK's notes:
It really does need to cook in the crock for at least 8 hours. I didn't quite let it, and had to transfer it to the stove to finish it up for breakfast. I think it was the quinoa that was so persnickity. I did about half and half millet and quinoa. I also used dried blueberries. They plumped right up, almost like fresh blueberries, so that was kind of cool. I made a mistake and used big flake coconut. Use finely shredded; you'll thank me! (Unless you like big chunks of coconut. If that's the case, go crazy!) Also, I sweetened mine with some honey and maple syrup. I think brown sugar would have been better than honey, but hey. =)

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